MEFED24 is co-hosted by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany, and the Ministry for Energy and Environment of the Hellenic Republic.

Organizing Committee

Coordination and organisation are supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Guidehouse.

If you have any further questions or enquiries, please contact the MEFED Organization Team at

Past Events

Impressions of MEFED24 in Thessaloniki

Following the successful MEFED22 in Jordan, the dialogue proceeded to its second phase in Europe: MEFED24 took place on September 8th, 2024, in Thessaloniki, Greece. Co-hosted by H.E. Theodoros Skylakakis, Minister for Energy and Environment of Greece, and H.E. Dr. Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany, MEFED24 brought together over 300 high-level participants from over 14 countries including Germany, Greece, Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, Netherlands, Israel, Italy, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates. Among them were numerous ministers, high level representatives of the public and private sector, infrastructure operators and financial institutions.

MEFED24 offered a unique platform for in-depth discussion, panels and knowledge exchange on a range of crucial topics, including cross border energy infrastructure, hydrogen corridors, electricity interconnectors and financing. It provided an opportunity to further enhance energy cooperation and accelerate infrastructure development between the MENA region and Europe in renewable energy and hydrogen.

A notable outcome is the “Thessaloniki Declaration" which was agreed upon by Dr. Robert Habeck, and his Greek counterpart, Theodoros Skylakakis.

Further pictures of the event can be found here

Impressions of MEFED22 in Jordan

The inaugural MEFED conference took place on June 08 and 09, 2022 at the Dead Sea in Jordan and set the stage for the conference establishing as a leading forum for key stakeholders of the energy sector in the MENA region and Europe.

Hosted by His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein of Jordan and H.E. Dr. Robert Habeck, MEFED22 brought together about 800 participants and was attended by numerous ministers, as well as the heads of regional and international organizations, and representatives of the private sector, academia and NGOs from the region and the EU.

Discussing topics such as the expansion of renewables, the hydrogen infrastructure and joint climate change mitigation projects, the conference successfully filled the gaps amidst numerous initiatives promoting the EU-MENA cooperation.